What have industry professionals said about Alex?
“What I love about your performances, they always hold my attention. It’s very raw. And it’s fragile. The way you sing and the way you play has a raw fragility about it and I mean that in the most complimentary way. It’s very real. You don’t ever phone it in, you’re always in the moment…man, I love your artistry.”
“He changed it to make the song his own and it worked, you evoke greatness.”
“Alex, one of the things I like to see the most in a performer, in this case, you, is struggling with the emotion of the song and not giving into it. You do that so well.”
“Alex Preston to take it.”
“It is going to be up to him to stay connected to those fans and create a body of work that comes from his truth and whatever that looks like is up to him. You can be a clever writer all day, but until you put some truth out there, I don’t know that anything will occur, so hopefully he is unafraid to throw himself over the falls, and let’s see what happens. We have been talking back and forth about having him come down, do some writing and jam. I think It will work out.”
“You are crazy good. You started to sing, and we stared at each other. You have a magical voice. ”
“I loved his arrangement, to see him really sit back and be in pocket.”